Stay True Tattoo

Establishment at 5/91 Todd Street, Alice Springs, NT 0870, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Stay True Tattoo: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Contact Information


5/91 Todd Street
Alice Springs
NT 0870
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+61 8 8953 6688


1 /5

Based on 1 reviews

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Reviews of Stay True Tattoo

    kevin jacobs Added April 17, 2020
    fantastic experience highly recommended. Dwayne did a great job on my tattoo
    Joyce van Dijk Added October 14, 2017
    The owner scarred my tattoo on my wrist. It was insanely painful. As if I got carved into my wrist with a knife. Tattoo got very badly infected right away. I ended up in ED as I got fever too. I needed antibiotics to settle the infection and my fever took a week. The ink dye came out of parts of my tattoo. The design does not look like my drawing at all.
    DO NOT GO HERE. THE OWNER RUINS YOUR BODY. His apprentice did an awesome job on my first tattoo SO I TRUSTED his so called Master. Every time I look at my tattoo I get tears in my eyes. It is A cross with the word FAITH in it well EVERYONE THINKS IT BARB WIRE! It supposed to be an honour to God.
    I got this tattoo on the 2nd October. 3rd October is my birthday 4th October was the 1st time I went back to church after 28 years not going.
    I kind of learned to like my tattoo. The owner NEVER OWNED UP THE FACT HE RUINED MY TAT AND MESSED IT UP. He said it was my fault it got infected.
    I have photos of him wearing a dirty shirt whilst tattooing.
    He also couldnt be less interested the moment he tattood me.
    He offered me to fix it up but I do not trust him. He ruined my arm for the whole world to see. I cannot get it removed / fixed unless I spend 100's of dollars flying interstate.

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Questions & Answers

1. What is the phone number for Stay True Tattoo

The phone number for Stay True Tattoo is +61 8 8953 6688.

2. Where is Stay True Tattoo located?

Stay True Tattoo is located at 5/91 Todd Street Alice Springs, NT 0870.

3. Is there a primary contact for Stay True Tattoo

You can contact Stay True Tattoo by phone using number +61 8 8953 6688.

4. What is the web address (URL) for Stay True Tattoo

The website for Stay True Tattoo is .

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